Common Good Iowa

Virtual learning series

Ahead of November elections, our virtual learning series, Policy Wise in Iowa, outlines actionable, proven policy solutions to advance the common good. It's an inclusive, pro-family, pro-worker agenda to inform voters and candidates. 

Check back here each week for new policy resources and webinar recordings. Not signed up for the webinar series yet? Register here.

Strengthening Iowa’s workforce

Wednesday, August 31 | A healthy economy is built on widespread prosperity — not prosperity only for the privileged few. We dig into policies to increase wages and worker protections, including unemployment insurance, collective bargaining and cracking down on wage theft.  

Fact sheet | Slides | Webinar recording

Affordable, high-quality child care

September 7, 2022 | Many families are pushed to the brink to afford care — at costs that rival college tuition — even as child care businesses often operate with little to no margins and child care workers are among the lowest paid members of the workforce. We outline policies to fill the gap between what quality child care costs and what parents can afford to pay. 

Fact sheet | Slides | Webinar recording

Recommitting to public education

September 14, 2022 | A state that values advancing opportunity for all its children is one that invests — in word, deed and dollars — in public education. Iowa has fallen short on this priority for more than a decade. We walk through policies to boost public schools — PK through college — to restore our reputation for high standards in education.

Fact sheet | Slides | Webinar recording

Promoting Iowans' health and well-being

September 21, 2022 | Affordable, comprehensive health care is critical for the well-being of Iowa’s families and communities. Iowa has traditionally had high rates of insurance, and our comprehensive Medicaid program, operating hand-in-hand with Hawki, is a big reason why. We walk through both threats to current services and opportunities to make things better.

Fact sheet | Slides | Webinar recording

Gaps in the economy: Supporting Iowans in times of need

September 28 | Too many Iowa kids and families lack the resources they need to survive day to day — food on the table, adequate housing, reliable transportation and doctor’s visits. This reality is shaped by historical and present-day public policies that concentrate opportunity, income and wealth within certain communities at the expense of others. We outline how lawmakers can assure every Iowan has the resources they need to learn, work and thrive. 

Fact sheet | Slides | Webinar recording

Examining Taxes: Steps to create a fair, equitable tax system

October 5 | Strong, essential public services depend on adequate funding. It’s as simple as that. So, when lawmakers undermine revenue stability by repeatedly cutting taxes, it erodes long-held public commitments to every service provided or supported by the state of Iowa. We outline how Iowa lawmakers can step back from the edge and assure a fair, equitable tax system that assures public services that foster opportunity for every Iowan. 

Fact sheet | Slides | Webinar recording       

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