Common Good Iowa

Contact your state legislators

There are several ways you can connect with your state senator and representative. Make your voice heard by calling, emailing or sending a letter to your legislators. Here's how to get started:

First, look up the names of your state senator and representative using this tool. Then decide how you want to contact them.


  • Send an email from a personal email account unless you are contacting the lawmaker as part of your job. 

  • Lawmakers' email addresses follow this pattern: You'll also find their addresses in the legislator lookup tool.


Iowa Senate

  • Call the Senate switchboard at (515) 281-3371, and ask to be connected to your state senator or to leave a message. 

  • Here's an example of what to say: “Hi, I'm [Name] and I'm a constituent of [Senator Last Name]. I live in [City]. I'm calling to ask [Senator Last Name] to [action you want them to take] because [ ____________________ ]."

Iowa House

  • Call the House switchboard at (515) 281-3221, and ask to be connected with your state representative or to leave a message.

  • Here's an example of what to say: “Hi, I'm [Name] and I'm a constituent of [Representative Last Name]. I live in [City]. I'm calling to ask [Representative Last Name] to [action you want them to take] because [ ____________________ ]."

Whether you're calling the Senate or the house, make your ask clear, concise and respectful. You can talk about your experience with the issue, but remember, you will likely be speaking to switchboard staff who will write down your message, so keep it very simple.


Address letters to:

The Honorable                           
Iowa (Senate/House of Representatives)
State Capitol
Des Moines, IA 50319

Begin correspondence to your senator/representative with the greeting:
Dear (Senator/Representative)                                                      

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